تحريض مختلط أنبوب الصلب مع حزام النحاس


  • Intro: الهدف لتسخين نفط شفط تجميع (كاب الأنابيب وتصفية الصلب) إلى 1، 850F (1010C) خلال 15 ثانية لتطبيق برازينج.الفولاذ مادية 0.125 بوصة (3.2 ملم) قطرها الجمعي

Objective To heat an oil suction assembly (steel tubing and filter cap) to 1,850°F (1010°C) within 15 seconds for a brazing application.
Material 0.125” (3.2mm) diameter steel tube and filter cap assembly, high temperature brazing flux, copper ring.
Temperature 1850°F(1010°C)
Frequency 281 kHz
Equipment • Power of 10KW induction heating system equipped with a remote workhead containing 0.66 μF capacitors
• An induction heating coil designed and developed specifically for this application.
Process A two-turn, specially-contoured helical induction coil is used to heat the tube assembly near the joint area. A copper ring and high temperature flux are then applied to the joint area. Power is applied for 15 seconds until the braze flows.
Results/Benefits Induction heating provides:
• Easy loading and unloading of parts
• Heat very precise areas within production tolerances
• Hands free heating that involves minimal operator skill for manufacturing

Tags: Induction Brazing Steel Tube with Copper Ring


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