Hornos de fusión por inducción
- Intro: FurnacesCharacteristics fundición de hierro, en gran medida, dependerá del contenido de impurezas dañinas y, sobre todo, de azufre. Para las modificaciones de la fundición de hierro nodular de alta resistencia debe tener un bajo co…
Characteristics of cast iron to a large extent depend on the content of harmful impurities and, above all, of sulfur. For modifications to the high-strength nodular cast iron should have a low sulfur content. In cupola furnaces to smelt the metal with a low sulfur content can not to be required and desulphurization of the melt. Therefore, in obtaining the required grades of gray cast iron or ductile for modifications to the ductile iron used “duplex processes.” In the duplex process of melting metal is in coke or gas cupola with the possible content in the charge of a large proportion of primary materials. Then, a melt overflow in the induction furnace, and introduce additives allowing desulfirizirovat cast iron, accurately derive its chemical composition. In addition, the induction furnace provided an extract of the metal at a given temperature. However, the cost of smelting iron, in any case, a mono-less in the process, and best technological requirements of the preparation of iron corresponds to the inductive method of melting in induction furnace. A very important advantage of melting in induction furnace in comparison with cupolas and arc furnaces is reduced by 25-30% content of gas (nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen) to melt metal, and a significant decrease in non-metallic impurities. This process increases the strength and reduces of casting cavity, their surface. To reducing the waste metal for further processing by 20-25% and reduce metal hardware. When using the core shooter machine savings will be even more important. Durability and all other properties of alloys, ultimately determined by their purity from impurity, shape, size and distribution of grains, ie structure. In the concept of structure is included as the microstructure and macrostructure – available in gas and metal piping, porosity, cracks, inclusions, etc. Thus, the task of improving the quality of the metal is reduced to obtaining the appropriate structure, free from any defects.Grain refinement of the crystal structure is achieved by increasing the rate of nucleation of crystallization centers, which is regulated input modifiers. Effectiveness of the modifier increases the maximum uniform distribution in the metal, and the more energy will be introduced from outside into the melt mixing, the greater the effect of modification. In the induction furnace has a possibility to control the electromagnetic stirring, a change in frequency of excitation current in the windings of the inductor, the organization and running of pulsating electromagnetic field in a bath of molten metal and the specific power control pressure, as well as the redistribution of power at an altitude of inducer. Through Trap mode of operation in the induction furnace, in which the metal is not subjected to repeat overheating, and moderate temperature regime during the aging cast iron casting, the melt crystallization centers are preserved, which also contributes to the formation of grain structure in castings. Thus, from the industrial-technological point of view for the foundry induction furnace has significant advantages compared with cupolas and arc furnaces. Higher power density makes it easier to heat the iron (at 30-35 C / min.), And the loss of starting material due to fumes down. The circulation of the melt under the action of electromagnetic forces in induction crucible furnace leads to a uniform temperature distribution and good mixing. In combination with the absence of contaminants that provides high accuracy of the chemical composition of the metal melted by an induction method. Overheating of the melt, which hard to using in cupola furnaces can be successfully implemented in an induction furnace. These technological advances offer the greatest guarantee of quality cast iron and the availability of high-strength special cast irons, as well as provide higher quality castings. Known methods of cast iron desulfurization requires installation of special sand plant devices or induction mixers.
Induction furnace presence has revamped the industrial processes. The smart features of melting furnaces making them highly desirable in the market.Energy makes things move. It is source of movement in every thing. Heat is also energy which is transmitted from one body to another when bodies come in contact. It can be said as transfer of energy, as the work is performed on the body. Heat is the primary source which is making many processes feasible. In an engineering, transferring of heat between the objects is referred as thermal conduction. An object is electrically conducted in the heating process of induction heating. Induction melting furnace makes use of this process of heating. This furnace makes use of induction to increase the temperature of the metal to its melting point. In an induction furnace the induction heating take care of the desired heating of the applicable items. Induction melting furnace has many applications including melting, metal hardening, brazing, soldering and heating to fit. Induction heating has best effect on iron and its alloys, as they have ferromagnetic nature. In melting furnace, high frequency magnetic field can be used for stirring the hot metal. It consists of a tube of water cooled copper rings surrounded by the container of refractory material. The induction furnace integrates the tube which is water cooled copper rings and container is present which is made using refractory material. Melting furnaces are performing outstanding role in the manufacturing industries. Extremely hard metals can be melted and new shapes can be gained. The fed metal is analyzed on the basis of chemical properties and detailed chemical composition is studied. Chemical assessment of the input method is very necessary before feeding the metal into the furnace. The metal is checked on the basis of chemical properties so that discrepancies can be avoided. The metal is also checked on the basis carbon content which is done after the completion of majority of the process.Induction melting furnaces have found usage in most modern foundries as these ones carry cleaner methods of melting metals over a reverberation furnace. There are varying sizes of induction furnaces available which can range from kilogram capacity to tonnes. High pitched whines are emitted while running which is according to the frequency of the furnaces.Iron, steel, aluminium, copper and precious metals are melted in the furnaces. Induction melting furnace‘s process is highly looked because of its clean and eco-friendly process, besides it can also be used in vacuum or inert atmosphere. Ease and convenience can be originated with the use of induction melting furnace in the manufacturing processes.
Furnaces produces enormous amount of heat. Such high intensity of heat can be well tapped to make new items and products. Furnaces are wonderful heating devices. The sizes of the furnaces can very from small to massive depending upon the processes. The complexity of items can be simplified heating the substance to extremely high temperature. After altering the matter of the state the tedious task can be converted to easy operations. The conversion can be made easy with the elevating the temperature. Dirty clothes can be properly cleaned and washed using hot water. Raised temperature water can easily take off dust form the clothes. Similarly, certain eatables like eggs, potatoes etc are first boiled in water before consumption. Warm water make them pale and hence can be consumed for eating. There are many things around us which are first touched and then become usable for all commercial applications. Many work pieces and items of metals which are available in the market in alluring shapes are molded by the induction melting furnaces. Not just work pieces but many products and items of day to day and commercial applications are made possible due to the induction furnaces.The induction furnaces’ processes se hacen para subir la temperatura de la fuerza de alta resistencia y contundente metal como cobre, hierro, acero, etc. Aplicaciones industriales como la fabricación, construcción etc. hacen uso de muchos metales. Los metales y no metales que se utilizan en la gran fuerza de industrias poseen. Ángulos, canales, barras, hojas, etc. son de varias formas que sólo es posible a través del proceso de inducción, hornos de fusión. Los hornos son la mejor manera para extraer completamente el potencial fuera de estos metales y no metales. Asegúrese de horno de fusión de la inducción utiliza de modo conductor de calentamiento que es también conocido como modo de calefacción de inducción. La construcción incluyen el metal que se hace pasar por el horno. La barra metálica se coloca también en la bobina actual de AC con refrigerado por agua de crisol que es el solenoide.Lo más sorprendente es que el proceso del horno de fusión de la inducción es limpia y eficiencia energética. Esa característica de las condiciones atmosféricas actuales del favor de la operación. Otra gran razón que el proceso de horno muy venerado es el factor de flexibilidad como la temperatura es totalmente bajo control.Complimenting la tecnología de la ingeniería para llevar un equipo tal que están diseñados para que coincida con las exigencias contemporáneas de las preocupaciones de la temperatura. Somos muy conscientes de que curso temas de medio ambiente y hornos de fusión son verdaderamente bendición en estos casos. Menos emisión de contaminación y contaminantes dañinos decisiones los hornos de fusión más preferible de todo tiempo y equipos de calefacción tradicionales están siendo reemplazados por hornos. Lo más importante que debe tener en cuenta esa evaluación química y composición química del metal alimentado debe analizarse. Análisis químico es punto importante que no puede ser descuidado. porcentaje de carbono del metal en el horno de fundición se trazan después de la terminación de la mayoría del procedimiento.La inducción, horno de fusión ha vuelto completamente la cara de los procesos de fabricación y también varias otras operaciones. Versatilidad y durabilidad son dos aspectos importantes de hornos de fusión.
Hornos de fusión de inducción

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