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induction brass solder for copper pipes and connectors
Induction brass solder will bring a quicker speed and better soldering quality than common methods.induction brass solder 1induction brass solder 2induction brass solder
inducton shrinking fit for 2 shells
induction heating is a very good method for shrinking fit work, quick speed, none-contact,environmental protected.shrinking fit for 2 shells
induction brass soldering for pot bottom
Induction heating is widely used for brass soldering, its better than common heating ways like gas welding.induction brazing copper scewinduction brass brazing nutinduction brass brazinginduction brass soldering
8 turns induction coil for melting platinium
This coil has 8 turns, it is 53 and O,D.67 and it is used for melting platinium.This coil need transformer with 2 turns on secondary.8 turns induction coil with 2 turns secondary coil for melting platinium
double head coil for induction hardening machine
double head COIL FOR INDUCTION HARDENING MACHINEThis video is application of hardening axle by UM-20AB-UHF High Frequency (>100KHz) induction heating machine with twin induction coils (double heads), this bring a high quality and fast speed hardening wo…
various induction coil for different application
different induction coilHigh frequency induction heating of billets of titaniuminduction coil designinduction coil for inside heatinginduction coil for quenchinginduction coil for temperinginduction coil segmentinduction coil with magnetic coreInduction he…
high frequency induction brazing copper bars for the stator winding
High frequency induction brazing is an energy-saving technology. High power densities that are implemented in induction heating, allow to rapidly heat the local area to the soldering temperature 600 - 1200 C, at a cost of minimum energy process compared t…
high frequency induction brazing pipes for copper and iron alloys
High frequency induction brazing is an energy-saving technology. High specific power, which are implemented by induction heating to quickly heat the local area to the brazing temperature 600 - 1200 C, spending at the lowest energy in the process compared …
high-frequency induction surface hardening working for the steel
induction hardening HDTV rotating bodies made with the rotation of hardened parts. Long parts hardened inductor in series with the movement along the axis of the member. Cooling the workpiece immediately after the heating is performed by jets of water or a…
induction forging aluminum bar
As magnetic permeability of aluminum is not good as steel, when aluminum marterial is under induction forging work, it will need a bigger power machine than steel.induction foring aluminum bar
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